Been There Got Out Podcast

Charting a New Financial Course Post-Divorce

April 17, 2024 Chris & Lisa / Rhonda Noordyk Season 2024 Episode 122
Been There Got Out Podcast
Charting a New Financial Course Post-Divorce
Show Notes

Unlock the secrets of navigating financial turmoil during divorce with Rhonda Noordyk, the visionary behind the Women's Financial Wellness Center. Our conversation is an expedition through the landscape of trauma-informed financial guidance, where emotional intelligence is as crucial as the numbers themselves. Rhonda's transformation from academic to champion of women's financial literacy lays the groundwork for our discussion on why understanding the emotional underpinnings of finance is vital for making sound decisions amidst life's upheavals.

Feel the power of empathy and strategy interwoven in professional services, as we draw parallels with a healthcare company's women-focused approach (but this episode is just as relevant for men, too!) Personalized financial strategies tailored to each woman's life stage and priorities are necessary for navigating any transition, and we underscore the importance of professionals who genuinely embody trauma-informed principles. Our friend and Chicago family law attorney Raiford Palmer's insights on client relationships in legal contexts further illuminate our talk, driving home the necessity of asking probing questions to ensure you're getting the support that goes beyond mere words.

Step into the stories of resilience as we spotlight women reclaiming their financial autonomy post-divorce. Emphasizing the importance of self-assurance and informed decision-making, we herald the courage of those who’ve turned the tide—buying businesses, mastering negotiations, and shaping case law. Resources like Rhonda's podcast, "Divorce Conversations for Women," and an actionable quiz are just a click away for those seeking guidance. Join us for a discussion that's not just about survival but about thriving and leaving a legacy of empowerment.