Been There Got Out Podcast

Help! My Kids are Being Triangulated!

June 28, 2024 Chris & Lisa / Sybil Cummin Season 2024 Episode 153

Therapist Sybil Cummin brings her depth of insight to our latest episode, shining a light on the transformative effects of community support for those engulfed in the family court system and the aftermath of domestic and narcissistic abuse. The episode peels back the layers of a subject too often shrouded in silence, offering a beacon of hope and understanding for professional women striving to preserve their integrity against the tides of manipulation. Sybil's expertise guides listeners through the process of rebuilding trust and the critical role empathy plays in healing, providing a much-needed discourse on the power of a nurturing network to expedite the journey to recovery.

Navigating the turbulent waters of domestic violence, particularly when children are involved, poses a special kind of challenge within the realm of therapy. The episode confronts the stereotypes and the intricacies of addressing such violence in a therapeutic setting, drawing from my own practice experiences. We dissect the art of maintaining professional boundaries and client confidentiality amidst these complex dynamics, emphasizing the necessity for therapists to be armed with specialized training and an empathetic ear to advocate effectively for those caught in the crossfire.

Our discussion traverses the delicate paths therapists tread when working with children amid high-conflict divorces, underscoring the importance of unbiased communication with parents and the child's right to a voice within therapy. The importance of creating a haven for expression and self-discovery is highlighted in our conversation about therapy room dynamics. As we wrap up, we touch upon the logistical side of connecting with therapeutic services and extend an invitation to those seeking support to reach out to Rising Beyond PC, where the principles discussed are actively put into practice and where healing begins with every session.

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