Been There Got Out Podcast

Staying vs. Leaving: Empowering Decisions

Chris & Lisa / Karen Covy Season 2024 Episode 162

As Lisa navigated the stormy seas of decision-making within her own twenty-year relationship, she realized the universality of the dilemma: to mend or end a union that once promised to last forever. This episode blossoms from that personal quandary, extending a hand to those wrestling with the choice of staying or departing from a difficult marriage. Karen Covey, a seasoned divorce coach, joins us, infusing the conversation with her deep understanding and compassionate guidance, ensuring that our listeners facing this crossroad don't walk alone but are equipped to step forward without a shadow of regret.

We then cast a light on the daunting path out of an abusive relationship, beginning with the often-overlooked cornerstone of financial independence. From the discretion of gift cards to the vital role of employment support networks, we lay out a blueprint for those preparing to break free. Moreover, we illuminate the invaluable aid provided by domestic violence shelters and support groups like Rainbows for All Children, which stand as beacons of hope and stability for the tender hearts of children caught in the crossfire.

In the final leg of our journey, we trace the intricate lines of divorce and parenting, sharing heartfelt anecdotes and stratagems for navigating this delicate terrain. We tackle the heart-wrenching reality of shielding truths from children, the emotional tightrope of managing their loyalties, and the rejuvenating quest for self-discovery once the dust of divorce has settled. Our candid dialogue strives to furnish you with the wisdom and empowerment only education can bestow, and we part with an eager anticipation of future exchanges that will continue to unravel the complexities of high-conflict divorce.

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