Been There Got Out Podcast

Breaking Intergenerational Bonds of Toxic Relationships

September 13, 2024 Chris & Lisa Season 2024 Episode 186

Navigating the choppy waters of parenting within a toxic relationship is a journey no one should have to sail alone. In this episode, BTGO's own Chris joins Lisa for a brief, impromptu talk, when we weren't able to connect with our scheduled guest, Christy Keating, the brain behind the Safe Parenting Summit. We unfold the narrative of our workshop titled 'The Top 7 Dangers of Staying in a Toxic Relationship', examining the unintentional lessons children absorb when they grow up in turbulent homes. Our dialogue is a raw look at the harrowing choices parents encounter and the ripples of influence that parental examples cast across generations. As we dissect the complexities of fostering safe environments for our families, we recognize the arduous yet crucial path to breaking free from destructive ties, for the sake of both parents and their little ones.

The Safe Parenting Summit, convened by Christy Keating, brought together 28 seasoned voices in the realm of child rearing, and while Christy couldn't join us, her mission resonates through our episode. We unveil reflections on how adept parenting echoes through time, impacting not just our children but also those yet to come. Drawing from heartfelt tales, including my own dance with the trials of the legal labyrinth that is family court, this conversation underscores the significance of cultivating nurturing relationships. It's a testament to the tenacity of parents everywhere, and an invitation to listen in on how we can all contribute to a legacy of healthier, happier families.

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